Transition Program

Transition Program

Transition Program: Preparing for Tomorrow

The programs at The Midland School are designed to educate students today while preparing them for tomorrow.  This is particularly important for older students who, like their neurotypical peers, must prepare for the day when they will leave school and move on to participate in the community at-large. The Transition Program is designed to prepare students to learn the skills that will allow them to effectively access the resources available to them and create for themselves a rewarding quality of life.

The three-year Transition Program is designed for our Super Seniors. These students have completed their four years of high school core curriculum graduation requirements and are ready to work on more functional skills that will serve them after graduation. The program begins the year after a student’s 18th birthday.  The student’s educational goals and objectives focus on post-graduation preparedness. The program provides pragmatic academics, life skills, socialization, and independent living activities so they may develop the understanding and the skills they will need to transition to their future endeavors. The three main domains of focus are: Life/social skills, community skills, and job training.

The Transition Program is a process designed to move each student through these three domains based on their individual needs and their level of mastery of prerequisite skills. Some students will begin with life/social skills and remain focused on these until they are able to move to community skills. Other students who have already demonstrated an appropriate mastery of life/social skills, will move directly into community skills, and some others will move directly into job training, while maintaining the life/social and community skills they have learned.

Join us for The Midland School Spring Open House on April 3rd! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO