Instructional Highlights – Room 219

The students in Room 219 have been active explorers!  Together they have been traveling around the state of New Jersey learning about the attractions and sights that our state has to offer. Our traveling companion and dear friend, Flat Stanley has accompanied each of the students and their families while they go on adventures in their hometown. After spending a week in that particular town, he is then placed back into his suitcase where he travels back to Midland.

The students were then able to share photos and their journal entries with their classmates. Our hallway bulletin board displays all of the creative journal entries and photos as well as the map of New Jersey pinpointing and all of his destinations.

We also learned that New Jersey’s nickname is, “The Garden State.” During Independent Living, we gathered a variety of vegetables to prepare a Garden State vegetable tray. The students practiced their cutting skills and arranged the assorted vegetables into the shape of New Jersey. It was fun sampling all of the vegetables grown in our home state of New Jersey!