Adapted physical education classes are participating in a jump rope unit. First, classes learned a basic jump technique: Feet close together, knees slightly bent, keeping back straight; with both feet at the same time, lower self, push off the ground and land on both feet. Students jumped to a two-beat count” one two, one two, etc.” Students tried to complete 10 repetitions.
Students practiced the basic jumping skill by attempting the following activities:
● sitting or jumping on a mini trampoline and bouncing up and down.
● stepping over a stationary jump rope on the ground
● jump/step into the spaces of an agility ladder on the floor
● jump/step in/out of a hula hoop placed on the floor
● tapping a hula hoop to the ground to the beat of the music playing while jumping as the hoop touches the ground.
● Rotating a ball around ankle and hop over it.
Students next tried to turn a short rope by themselves: Feet close together, knees slightly bent, keeping back straight with jump rope behind back. Use wrists to rotate the rope upwards, followed by jumping low to the ground with both feet at the same time. Students attempted to complete 10-20 jumps. Some students attempted this skill using a hula hoop instead of a jump rope.

Finally, classes participated in long rope turning and jumping. Two people turned the long jump rope. The jumper started next to one turner’s shoulder. When the rope touched the floor, the jumper would run to a polydot in the center, jump 10 times and then run forward out of the turning rope to the opposite side of the second turner.

Some students started by standing on the polydot in the center to complete their ten repetitions. Other students helped turn the rope for the jumpers.

The unit will culminate with our 44th annual Jump for Heart event to benefit the American Heart Association. Our jump team of seven will jump in the center of the gymnasium. All classes will have an opportunity to jump a long rope, turn/tap a rope, jump a short rope, jump/sit and bounce on a mini trampoline, arm hula hoopers.