

PVH Volunteer Group Photo

Volunteer at Midland

Spend a Day With Us

Give the greatest gift of all – your time! Midland offers opportunities for groups to volunteer for a full or half day or on an on-going basis. Volunteers can work indoors alongside our adults completing contract work or by beautifying our campus and grounds.

For the safety of everyone, all volunteers must:
  1. be over the age of 18
  2. complete our Volunteers and Visitors Pledge of Confidentiality form.

Please download the form here, and have each of your volunteers bring the completed form with them to Midland on the day.

What’s it like to spend a day volunteering at Midland

9:00 a.m.

Volunteer Arrival

9:00 a.m.

Coffee and Tea (Please feel free to bring breakfast food to share with fellow volunteers)

9:20 a.m.

Tour of Midland Programs

10:00 a.m.

Begin indoor and/or outdoor work

12:00 p.m.

Break for lunch* OR end day of service

12:30 p.m.

Resume volunteer activity

2.00 p.m.

Day ends

Indoor Volunteer Opportunities

The Patricia Murphy Work Center, located on our campus, trains and employs adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Volunteers at the Work Center work side-by-side with our adults doing contract work.  There is a lot of interaction with adults, and the work varies every day.  Past jobs include assembling loose-leaf manuals, inserting a toy in the plastic container for vending machines and assembling corporate mailings. Volunteers serve as quality control managers and also perform the work tasks.  There is a limit of a maximum of 6 indoor volunteers.

Outdoor Volunteer Opportunities

We are located on a beautiful tree-filled campus with more than 50 acres, and always have a need for outdoor volunteers.  We have fall cleanup, which involves the raking and weeding of our beautiful tree-filled playground known as “Rainbow Land.” Fall volunteers are also needed to stain and seal the wooden playground equipment. In the spring and summer, groups are needed to weed the playground, mulch flowerbeds, and complete other beautification projects. The number of outdoor volunteers needed varies by season but is capped at 12 people per visit.


We ask that all volunteers report to the double-door entrance without the flagpole – there will be a red lawn sign directing volunteers to the correct door. Please park up the hill and NOT in a numbered bus slot closer to the building. Please dress comfortably and wear closed toe shoes for both indoor and outdoor activities.

For any further information, please contact our Foundation Office.

Join us for The Midland School Spring Open House on April 3rd! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO