
Donate to Midland

Donate Online

Make an Online Donation

Your donation to The Midland Foundation will help us to sustain and enhance our programs and facilities.

Donate to Midland via Mail

Donate by Mail

If you prefer to mail in a donation, please make your checks payable to The Midland Foundation and mail to:

The Midland Foundation
PO BOX 5026
North Branch, NJ 08876

Other Ways to Give to Midland

Participate in a Corporate Matching Program

Many of our donors participate in matching gift programs through their employer or company.

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In a matching gift program, the employer matches their employees’ or retirees’ charitable contributions either partially or for the full amount.

You can make your gift go even further in making a difference in the lives of Midland students and adults by participating in your company’s matching gift program.

Here’s how to get started


Contact your Human Resources or Payroll Department to find out if they will match your contributions to support a nonprofit, special education school or program.


Review your company’s policies for their matching gift program.


Complete any necessary forms and send them to:

The Midland Foundation
P.O. Box 5026
94 Readington Road
North Branch, NJ 08876

The Midland Foundation will then process your form and return it to your employer. It’s that easy!

Recurring gift - Become a Midland Champion

Midland Champions support Midland throughout the year by making automatic monthly gifts to Midland.

Planned Giving—Become a member of The Midland Legacy Society

The Midland Legacy Society recognizes individuals who include Midland in their estate plans.

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When you include Midland in your estate plan, your gift is known as a “planned gift.” A planned gift from your estate can create a lasting legacy that supports Midland for years to come. There are many types of planned gifts, a few of which are described below.

A Bequest from Your Will or Revocable Trust

  • Is the simplest type of planned gift
  • Does not affect your current cash flow and you control your assets during your life
  • Can be a specific dollar amount or asset or percentage of your estate
  • Can be for Midland’s general use or a specific purpose (please check with the Development office to be sure your gift can be used as intended)
  • Provides a charitable deduction from state and federal death taxes

Gift from Retirement Plans

  • Can name Midland as beneficiary of a share of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan
  • Lets you continue to take your withdrawals and maintain control during your life
  • Can be a specific dollar amount or asset or percentage of your estate
  • Provides Midland with a lump-sum distribution on your death, income-tax free
  • Provides a charitable deduction from state and federal death taxes

Gift of Life Insurance

  • Transfers ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to Midland
  • Midland will either cash in the policy for its cash-surrender value or receive the death benefit later
  • Provides a charitable income tax deduction for the cash-surrender value

If you have already included Midland in your estate plan, please let us know and become a member of The Midland Legacy Society.

The descriptions above are not legal advice. We encourage you to speak with your financial advisor or lawyer to decide whether a planned gift is appropriate for you. To learn more about The Midland Legacy Society please send an e-mail or call Gail Russell, Director of Development, at 908-800-9941

Consider Other Forms of Gifts

You may also consider supporting The Midland Foundation in the following ways.

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  • Making Gifts of Real Estate
  • Making Gifts of Stock or Appreciated Securities
  • Providing In-Kind Services or Material Contributions

If you would like more information on any of these areas, please contact the Foundation office at (908) 722-7210, or send us an email.

Join us for The Midland School Spring Open House on April 3rd! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO