Midland Residential

Midland Residential

Midland Residential

Group Homes and Apartments for Adults Living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Midland Residential was established in 1999 with the opening of our first five-person group home. Since then, our residential program has grown and evolved to continuously meet the individualized needs of our adult population; aged 21 years and older.  We strive to maintain this high-quality service, offered to individuals on either the Community Care Program or Supports Program Waivers through the Division of Developmental Disabilities.  We support our adult residents in all aspects of their lives and provide training in independent living skills to promote independence. Each resident under our care has a New Jersey Individual Service Plan (NJISP).

In addition to group home living, we offer apartment life.  Apartments can be licensed or unlicensed, depending on our residents need.  Midland complies with the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Office of Licensing regulations located at N.J.A.C. 10:44A.  On-site support services are provided in our homes and apartments; customizable and up to 24 hours daily, 365 days a year.”

Daily Life

All of the activities that take place in the typical family home take place in our Midland homes—individual residents have responsibility for their own rooms with staff support and are assigned chores in the home. Training in activities of daily living (ADL) is provided, as needed. Appropriate medical care, transportation and supportive counseling are included in the services provided to residents.

In addition to providing a safe place to live, we also offer a dynamic recreation program to ensure community integration and an enhanced quality of life. Recreational opportunities include frequent visits to the community, attending amateur and professional sporting events, plays, other performances and musical presentations. We provide residents with opportunities for individual recreational outings, depending on their interests and preferences. Regular events and gatherings provide the residents and their families, guardians and friends with opportunities to network and expand their social horizons.


To be eligible for Midland Residential Services, you must be at least 21 years old with a diagnosed intellectual and/or developmental disability (I/DD).  You must be eligible for services with the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and be in the Community Care Program (CCP) for group home placement or in the Supports Program (SP) for placement in an unlicensed apartment.


Referrals for Midland Residential Services are accepted through DDD or Support Coordination Agencies.

Behavioral Support Services

Midland complements all of the services we offer to adults with the option of behavioral support. These services are provided by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who has over 10 years of related experience in the evidence-based practice of Applied Behavior Analysis.

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Services include: person-centered assessments, direct observations, individualized behavior support plans, and ongoing evaluation and consultation for each individual. Additionally, our Behavior Analyst works with and trains all of our direct care staff to assure for accurate data collection and plan integrity. The overarching goal of Behavioral Supports services is to foster learning, growth and independence in each individual we serve. The Behavior Analyst is responsible for both implementing the above services and monitoring the individual’s progress over time.

Nursing Support Services

Midland also provides nursing support for those adults whose care needs may require a higher level of clinical skill. Nurses are a critical partner in Midland’s team of professionals dedicated to holistic treatment and assessment of the people we serve.

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Midland’s nurse assist parents and caregivers to facilitate safe, consistent care and appropriate health support in all of our homes. Our nurses serve to educate the adults we serve on self-care skills, help them identify medical needs as well as act as liaison with both parents and other medical professionals involved in the individual’s care. Our nurses support all of our adults to lead active, healthy lives in their communities.

Any Questions?

For more information about our group homes and supervised apartments, including the admissions process, please contact us.

Please note, annual inspections are conducted by State licensing personnel to ensure that the homes meet all Standards detailed in the New Jersey Administrative Code 10:44A.

Admission Process

2. After we have reviewed the form, we will contact you to discuss the type of placement you are seeking and to discuss potential openings. If we decide to move forward we will contact your Support Coordinator for more information including any recent assessments and your most recent Individual Service Plan,

3. If we have a vacancy that we feel might be appropriate, we will arrange a Meet and Greet through your Support Coordinator to interview you and your family/guardian.

4. After we have had a chance to meet you we will decide on whether a tour of a current vacancy would be appropriate. Tours should include you, your family/guardian, and your Support Coordinator. Tours will last approximately 30 minutes.

Once we have all of the above completed, Midland’s team will review the totality of the information you provide.

Midland will send a response form to your Support Coordinator who will then inform you of the status of your acceptance. If placement is offered, you will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the offer. If you accept, a pre-placement meeting will be scheduled prior to move-in where admissions paperwork will be reviewed.

Midland maintains a waiting list for individuals interested in placement who may not fit in to a current vacancy. If requested, we will add you to this list for potential future placement

Join us for The Midland School Spring Open House on April 3rd! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO