Instructional Highlights – Room 219

The students in Room 219 are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. They gained a better understanding about the different stages from egg to caterpillar, chrysalis to butterfly during our group reading lessons from our new literacy program called, Readtopia.

The students were able to further expand their sight word vocabulary through the use of informational text, visuals, vocabulary cards and real live specimens. Over a four-week period, they observed the tiny caterpillars through a netted display kept in the classroom. They watched them become larger each week, form a cocoon or chrysalis as their home and then emerge from their cocoon transforming into seven beautiful butterflies.

The time came to release them to their natural environment, the outdoors. Afterwards, the students created a model of the stages of a butterfly using a variety of pasta noodles which represented each stage.

Learning about butterflies was so much fun! 

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