In classroom 218, appropriate social skills are a must! Social Skills group in 218 helps students in the class interact in appropriate ways, regardless of how they communicate. During the month of May, students in 218 are learning about Self-Advocacy. Part of being able to stand up for yourself, is setting and maintaining appropriate boundaries. During this group, students listened to “The Boundary Song” and “I’m The Boss of My Body” songs. Students watched and sang as they learned about standing up for yourself and letting others know how you feel. After watching the various videos, staff discussed with students what maintaining an appropriate boundary means.
Students and staff agreed that boundaries are a lot like bubbles. If you get too close, it might pop! Staff and students gave examples of good and poor boundaries. Students were able to identify that everyone needs their own space. Students realized that one person’s “space” might not be adequate for another person. Students were able to act out both appropriate and inappropriate body space boundaries. Students discovered that a person’s personal space is similar to them being inside their own bubble. But students discovered quickly what happens when you invade someone else’s bubble…. It pops!
Students were able to blow and pop bubbles to model this activity with assistance from staff. Staff facilitated students’ connections between bubbles “popping” and others getting upset when a personal boundary is broken. Staff reminded students of appropriate ways to keep their bubbles floating without others popping them. Classroom 218 learned boundaries are important and sometimes friends need a gentle reminder. Classroom 218 won’t burst your bubble!
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