Room 506 started our new school year off with a fun lesson about plants. We began with an introduction to the vocabulary presented in our Epic Book, Plants Are Living Things. Students read the book aloud on the SMART board and enjoyed the challenge of the end of book quiz. … Instructional Highlights – Room 506
Super seniors make a great team! Being a super senior is a big step for a student at The Midland School. It means the student has moved into the next phase of the program which focuses on their transition from school to the community. In this program, we develop their … Instructional Highlights – Room 511
On Sept. 14, in honor of Direct Support Professional (DSP) Week, Midland DSP, Mr. Tony Oxford received the NJACP Hero Award. Below is the nomination that was submitted on his behalf: Tony is not just a Direct Support Professional; he embodies the very essence of what it means to be … Midland Congratulates Mr. Tony Oxford on his HERO Award During DSP Week!
Croquet was once the game of stringent rules and crisp white attire. Today, the game is making a backyard comeback, but the Keatings were decades ahead of its revival. 22 years ago, Doug Keating found an old croquet set at his brother-in-law’s house and decided to take it home. Then … The Keating Family Croquet Tournament Celebrates 22 Years of Giving Back
To: All Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) From: Shawn M. McInerney, President and CEO, Midland Re: Direct Support Professional Week Date: September 11, 2023 Direct Support Professional Staff, The week of September 10-16, 2023, marks Direct Support Professional (DSP) week. On behalf of the entire Midland organization, I am taking this … Recognizing Midland’s Direct Support Professionals (DSP)
The Midland Corporation is proud to announce the appointment of Mr. Peter Lega of Bethlehem, PA to the Board of Trustees. Over the course of his 32-year career, Mr. Lega has worked in technology, strategy, and management, ranging from operating system development to managing director of equity trading at Bear … MIDLAND CORP. ELECTS LEGA TO BOARD