Instructional Highlights – Room 218

Teddy Bear Rice Krispies Treats

In Room 218 the students were super excited to go to the kitchen and cook. In the classroom we read the book “Corduroy”. We talked about the little girl in the story, and how she liked the teddy bear despite his missing button. 

In the kitchen each student picked out the proper cooking items needed; a measuring cup, a mixing bowl, a spoon, etc. We read our recipe, then each student took a turn pouring and mixing our ingredients. Once all the ingredients were mixed we put it on a baking sheet for the rice krispies to harden. During this time the students washed the utensils that were used. 

Once our rice krispies treats were hardened we cut one big circle for the head and two smaller ones for the ears. We added chocolate chips to make eyes and a nose. At the end, the students showed off their bears to one another. Again we talked about how each one was different, but we loved our own no matter the differences!

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