Instructional Highlights – Room 219

Our current Science unit of study is titled, “The Sun and Earth.” The students were introduced to the unit by their classmate Bryce who volunteered to be the model of the sun, a huge star. Afterwards they learned facts about the sun by viewing a tap and read slide show presented on the smartboard. Using a multi-sensory approach, Mrs. Engelhardt had the students feel the sun template, (which had a hot pack underneath) in order to understand that the sun gives us heat. Here, Keyla feels the heat radiated by the sun. A small tap to light, night light was placed under the visual labeled, “The sun gives us light.” Aleeah demonstrated how the sun shines and provides us with light. Incorporating props, visuals and hands on materials, helps to spark the student’s interest as well as provide all students the opportunity to participate during group science lessons.

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